Striking Out

Starting over is hard. Sometimes it’s the only option.

Since she was a young girl, Moneva has worked for the most powerful crime lord in the Empire. A chance encounter offers her a way out. Can she take it?


Introducing my short story, Striking Out. This is a prequel story, set five years before Toric’s Dagger starts. It’s written from Moneva’s point of view, and develops aspects of her backstory that are mentioned during the series. I enjoyed adding some flesh to these bones, and also featuring some other characters from the series in the story.


Moneva sighed. She really didn’t like Barissians. Some indefinable, can’t put your finger on it reason, that made her think they were all a bunch of arseholes.


Striking Out is not available to buy and is currently exclusive to members of my newsletter, who can download it FREE from Bookfunnel. I will also be featuring it elsewhere as a free introduction to the series.


Fuck thinking things through. Fuck always being in control. Fuck being patient, waiting for the right moment. And fuck Salvinus. She was going to kill him, here and now.


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