The Caladri are a people who inhabited Dalriya before humans came. Strong in magic, but few in number, they are generally human-like in appearance, but with clawed feet and what humans perceive as a bird-like walking gait. Most Caladri inhabit the central, forested parts of Dalriya. A long time ago the Caladri divided into four separate realms and now live apart with their own rulers and society.
The four realms are known as the Grand Caladri, Blood Caladri, Shadow Caladri and Sea Caladri. Even the largest Caladri settlements are small when compared with human cities.
Edeleny – capital of the Grand Caladri
Onella’s Temple – a sacred building in Edeleny
Mizky – capital of the Sea Caladri
Ruler of the Blood Caladri: King Tibor
Characters: Prince Lorant is Tibor’s son; Princess Hajna is Lorant’s wife; Szabolcs is a wise man
Ruler of the Shadow Caladri: King Dorjan, an ally of Erkindrix
Rulers of the Grand Caladri: Elders Odon, Agoston & Dorottya
Characters: Ignac, a wizard; Kelemen, a regional governor
Rulers of the Sea Caladri: the Council
Characters: Sebo, a sea captain