New Release: An Inheritance of Ash and Blood


Excited and a little bit nervous to finally be releasing the first book of my new series, Heirs of War, now available to buy in eBook, paperback, hardback, plus available through kindle unlimited.

With An Inheritance of Ash and Blood I return to the setting of my first series, Dalriya. Fifteen years have passed since Diis was destroyed. No, he’s not back-but a new god has arrived. He has enslaved the Lippers and the people of Dalriya, godless, find themselves unable to stop him.

We follow Sanc, who begins the novel aged 12, as he first becomes aware of the sorcerous powers he has been given. Where they come from, he doesn’t know. But in a world where sorcery is dying out, they mark him out as an important figure in the coming conflict.

Here are some details about the book:

  • There are three points of view: Sanc; his older brother Peyre; and Liesel, daughter of the last emperor of Brasingia.
  • The coming of age storylines are combined with epic fantasy style worldbuilding, political intrigue, and war.
  • Although we follow a new generation, some characters from The Weapon Takers Saga do reappear in this series.
  • This is my longest novel, at 125,000 words.
  • This is a planned series of three books. Book two has a release date of 10 January 2023. More news on this soon!