Wow, time flies, and I note that I haven’t added a new post to the website in a while.
I have been busy, though. The big news is that I have finished the final book of my fantasy series, The Giants’ Spear. This series has taken so much of my time and effort in recent years that it’s strange to say it’s over. When I say it’s finished, I’m talking first draft, so there’s still work to do. I think fans of the series will find the ending suitably epic. At the moment it’s come out at around 110,000 words, so exactly the same length as books 1 & 2. Odd, how 3 of the 4 books have ended up the same length like that.
The aim is to get it published by the end of the year. As a way to introduce new readers to the series I will also be releasing an eBook box-set of books 1-3 (cover above). The release date for this is 28th October.
There is more news to come and I will aim to update the website with it. If you would like more regular updates you can subscribe to my newsletter, which gets emailed once or twice a month.